Showing posts with label Science Fiction. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Science Fiction. Show all posts

Monday, September 23, 2019

Replicas (2018) Full Movie Free

Replicas 2018

Replicas (2018)

Title : Replicas
Release : 2018-10-25
Rating : 5.8/10 by 453 users
Runtime : 107 min.
Companies : Di Bonaventura Pictures
Country : United States of America, United Kingdom, China, Puerto Rico
Language : English
Genre : Thriller, Science Fiction
Stars : Keanu Reeves, Alice Eve, Thomas Middleditch, John Ortiz, Nyasha Hatendi, Aria Lyric Leabu
Overview : A scientist becomes obsessed with returning his family to normalcy after a terrible accident.

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Mirage ( 2018 )

Mirage 2018

Mirage (2018)

Title : Mirage
Release : 2018-11-30
Rating : 7.5/10 by 567 users
Runtime : 129 min.
Companies : Atresmedia Cine
Country : Spain
Language : Español
Genre : Science Fiction, Thriller, Drama, Romance
Stars : Adriana Ugarte, Chino Darín, Javier Gutiérrez, Álvaro Morte, Nora Navas, Miquel Fernández
Overview : During a mysterious thunderstorm, Vera, a young mother, manages to save a life in danger, but her good deed causes a disturbing chain of unexpected consequences.

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review updated to like review updated to dislike description a space-time continuum glitch allows vera to save a boys life 25 years in the past but somehow results in the loss of her daughter and vera must fight to get her back initial release november 30 2018 spain director oriol paulo spanish durante la tormenta produced by mercedes gamero mikel lejarza eneko lizarraga jesus ulled nadal nominations gaudí award for best actress in a supporting role gaudí award for best visual effects audience reviews liked disliked review updated to like review updated to dislike movie time posting publicly what do you think about this film well i just watched it and came here to give my honest review so friends durante la tormenta aka mirage is an amazing .. we all saw it on netflix well most of us what i wonder is did anyone who speaks spanish see it earlier and what did they .. warning there are possible spoilers in my review i love the movie however throughout the movie vera didnt have .. more 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